While many people who consult a chiropractor have back or neck pain, chiropractic treatment can help with a wide range of physical ailments, including headaches, repetitive strain injuries, shoulder pain, whiplash and sports injuries. Whether you need a chiropractor in Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh, Freeport, or Long Island, we are right on your way conveniently located right off the Meadowbrook parkway in Merrick.


Back pain can prevent individuals from carrying out the daily activities that we take for granted, such as sleep, exercise and responsibilities such as laundry or shopping.

We offer specific adjustments to free stiff joints and reduce spinal problems caused by nerve irritation. Our staff may also use ice, heat or massage treatment to relieve back pain. We provide advice to tackle everyday movements, such as lifting, bending and twisting, which can cause back pain.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Merrick or the surrounding area to help with your discomfort, we welcome you to stop by and see what we are all about.


Standard medical care promotes the idea that we should treat headaches with a couple of pain relief tablets. But that isn’t treating the source of the problem. A chiropractor can treat the cause of your headaches rather than mask the symptoms through medication.

Children are very susceptible to head trauma, from sports, play or just the normal bumps and scrapes associated with growing up. If you know of a young person who might benefit from our approach, schedule an exam for them today.


As the neck supports the weight and movement of your head, it is not surprising that it sometimes becomes stiff or painful, particularly among people who spend much of their day driving, doing computer work, texting, repetitive lifting and bending.

A chiropractor can treat your neck to free stiff joints and reduce neck pain. Chiropractors may also treat your neck to ease problems with your head, shoulders and arms, which are often caused by stiff neck joints.


Chiropractic treatment can often relieve the pain of many kinds of joint problems, including general pain in the joints, arthritis, rheumatics or spondylitis.

We treat many other joint problems including shoulder pain, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, knee pain, and repetitive strain injury (RSI).


While whiplash injuries are often associated with car accidents, they can be caused by many other events. A slip, fall or any sudden movement can give you a whiplash injury.

Our chiropractic treatment for whiplash involves gentle, specific adjustments to your neck, designed to relieve pain and restore normal movement to the neck area.


If you play physical sports, whether amateur or professional, your body is prone to many of the same types of injury. Chiropractors treat many different kinds of sports related injuries, including groin, thigh, hamstring and calf strains, Achilles tendon injuries, lower back pain, neck pain and shoulder sprains.

Interurban Chiropractic can help with sport related injuries. By using location specific treatments, they can help to loosen up stiff joints and reduce nerve irritation and muscle tension.


Our modern lifestyle, including workplace cubicles, stress, and poor posture from computer use, can all lead to loss of joint movement in the spine. This is also true for accidents, pregnancy, or even the general wear and tear of life.


We teach our patients special “blueprint” exercises individually created to help support their chiropractic correction process. These exercises can be performed at home and can improve the effectiveness of your spinal correction by as much as 30-40%.

These exercises and stretches can also help your body stay in balance and in health.


Our goal is to help each and every patient achieve a satisfying and happy lifestyle filled with the activities they enjoy the most. But it can be very helpful for patients to receive coaching on lifestyle choices, including avoiding or adjusting certain activities that might adversely affect their health. We help our patients reach true health by recognizing each patient as a whole person, and that treatment is a collaborate effort between our professionals and our patients.


Unlock the door to improved health and well-being with posture and spinal screenings. These can reveal important health information and prevent problems before they occur. Screenings can be arranged at community events, health fairs and places of employment. Contact us today to arrange a screening at your event or workplace.

Merrick Office – 516-623-3940


Monday 8:30 – 1:00 3:00 – 7:00
Tuesday 8:30 – 1:00
Wednesday 8:30 – 1:00 3:00 – 7:00
Friday 8:30 – 1:00 3:00 – 7:00
Saturday 9:00 – 11:00