How much does an adjustment cost?

We do accept MOST insurance plans and will check with your insurance company and see how it will contribute to the care you receive in our office.

Chiropractic is, in our opinion, best utilized with regular adjustments, similar to exercise…one work out does not get you in shape, and typically neither does one adjustment. Based on your evaluation findings, we will give you our best recommendation for your care. The frequency of your adjustments is determined by the severity and number of subluxations in your spine.

Do you take insurance?

Yes, we do take MOST insurance including Medicare. We can verify your insurance coverage by phone or upon your first visit.
No Insurance – No Problem
Many of our practice members do not have insurance that contributes to Chiropractic care. You will find our rates are affordable for you to receive the recommended care plan our Doctors create for you.

Will you adjust me on the first visit?

Yes. Your health is our main priority. We will not, however, perform an adjustment without a proper examination first. We would never risk your health without thoroughly evaluating your body first and determining if you are a good candidate for chiropractic care. Provided the doctor does not find anything during your examination that would preclude us from adjusting you, we will give you your first adjustment in our office at that time.

What adjusting technique do you use?

Our work is based on multiple chiropractic techniques including Full Spine, Activator and Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) which focuses on correcting shifts in your spinal column. We use a combination of adjusting instruments, and traditional diversified (sometimes called Palmer Method) adjustments with that “pop” many people associate with Chiropractic. Part of our initial evaluation is to learn any concerns you may have about adjustment’s, and address them so that we can find the most comfortable and effective way for you to get adjusted.

Once you start going to the Chiropractor, do you have to go forever?

No, there is no lifetime contract. Practice Members leave care when they like. No, chiropractic is not addictive, unless you consider a desire for better health to be unhealthy. Yes, you should have Chiropractic care for as long as you wish to function on an optimal basis, physically, mentally and socially, which to a normal, healthy person is a lifetime affair. Funny, nobody ever asks their dentist this question.

How many times do I need to be seen?

It depends on the severity of your subluxations, and the level of degenerative (arthritic) changes present. We will not know the answer to this until after your initial evaluation. The doctors will go over their findings and give you their best recommendations on your second visit.

How long does an evaluation take?

An evaluation in our office takes about 30 minutes. We pride ourselves on being an extremely punctual office so please arrive to your appointment 5 minutes early…We promise you this is not your typical doctor’s office experience!

Do you take Medicare or Medicaid?

Yes. We do accept Medicare. We do NOT accept Medicaid.

Is Chiropractic dangerous?

Chiropractic is vastly safer than any drug or medical procedure. Chiropractic malpractice premiums are miniscule compared to those paid by M.D.’s (About $3000/yr vs up to $50,000/yr). When a chiropractor makes a mistake, usually nothing happens (as opposed to a good result), or one might end up a little sore. Statistically, there is over a 100 times greater chance that you will be struck by lightning in your lifetime than the chances of a serious complication from a chiropractic adjustment. Compare this to these frightening statistics for conventional medical treatment. It was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that an estimated over 100,000 people die each year in this country from prescription drugs taken in a controlled medical environment, the hospital. About 2 million hospital patients a year (between 5 to 10% of the hospital population) acquire a nosocomial infection (acquired from the hospital), from which there are between 100,000 and 300,000 deaths. It has been estimated that there are between 3 million and 6.25 million unnecessary surgeries annually, resulting in between 40,000 and 83,000 unnecessary deaths. Prescription errors are also skyrocketing.

I do not like my neck popped – What can you do for me?

We can utilize adjusting instruments that are gentle and effective – no popping necessary!

When will I feel better?

Everyone is different. We wish we could somehow predict how fast your body will heal, but there are several factors involved. Our focus is to approach the problem from several angles. The central approach is to remove any blockages to your body’s nerve supply caused by spinal shifts called subluxations. All cellular repairs are controlled and coordinated by your central nerve system. Therefore, our goal is to maximize expression of life and healing through the adjustment. How quickly this translates into you feeling better is different in each person based on things like degenerative changes, your exercise habits, stress levels, diet, and the number of medications you take, just to name a few variables. Your doctor will advise you on changes to make in these areas to facilitate your recovery.

Merrick Office – 516-623-3940


Monday 8:30 – 1:00 3:00 – 7:00
Tuesday 8:30 – 1:00
Wednesday 8:30 – 1:00 3:00 – 7:00
Friday 8:30 – 1:00 3:00 – 7:00
Saturday 9:00 – 11:00